Thursday, July 1, 2010

How to Stay Sane In A Job Search

Hello everyone! I think I am doing pretty good so far staying up on this blog, this is three days in a row which I think is a record for me. It is a good thing because it is making me dedicated to keeping current on this usually the point of a blog. I am going to always attempt to keep this blog more professional based than personal..I don't think people are going to be terribly interested in what my cats ate today or how the Red Sox did last night(although i will always readily talk about that!) This is more regarding my job search, how it is going, any progress I made and hopefully reaching the point where I am talking about starting a new job in the student affairs profession. I am planning on not stopping the blog there either..I want to talk about what it is like to be back involved in the field, how it is going for my wife and I being in a new situation, maybe having relocated very far from home. I'm excited to share these experiences with anyone who reads this blog. So with that, I am going to share some advice with people about what I have come across in my job search and keeping sane (which I have been told I am doing pretty well at!)

1. Consider all your options- I had been doing a lot of sending out resumes, cover letters, least two a week, if not more. I felt accomplished but it had not done much in getting my foot back in the door. I had been against blogging...Twitter...mainly because I didn't know much about them. I educated myself a bit and found out how resourceful these options can be and how they have opened a door that I feel wasn't there before and am networking with professionals in the field that I was not meeting before by doing the cold calls. This option really has invigorated my job search and gave me a shot in the arm when I really needed it. Which brings me to my second point.

2. Social Media- I really believe that this is the wave of the future for job searches, if it isnt already here. LinkedIn...Twitter..blogging..I think to a lesser extent, Facebook are really good tools for networking and having you feel as if you are a little closer to where you want to be. When I do get hired by a college, I would love to do a presentation about the signifance of these sites in one's job search and how vital I think they are. The computer is such an important part of so many peoples' lives and it makes sense that the job search would reflect that. Use these sites..make those connections and I think you will feel like you are at least getting through the door. What you do after that is up to you!

3. Have a good attitude- Searching for a job can be very frustrating and can be very draining. I think if you start giving up and have a bad attitude, it can reflect...even interviews, correspondence with potential employers. I sometimes think finding a job is almost like dating. If you deal with a lot of rejection, you may give off signs of desperation..even if you don't think you are. But you better believe other people will notice. And I don't think there is a single employer out there who wants to hire someone right off the bat with a bad, negative, deflated attitude. Karma is important...give off positive vibes and you will get positive vibes.

4. Don't be a prisoner to your email or phone- I have had to learn to do this one. You keep on waiting for the phone to ring..or that email to show up in your mailbox that you are looking at both items all the time...and I mean all the time! I was waiting for the phone to beep every three seconds. Put it away. Now. You will drive yourself crazy. These things take time and I have heard of many stories of an applicant calling every day inquiring about their status in a job process and have taken themselves out of the running because of it. I have learned to put the phone away...or at least not look at it every second. Find other things to do. And again..when you do return to the phone or the computer, you feel a sense of being revitalized and that you can do what you need to do to keep the search going.

5. This ties in a bit with no 4...distract yourself. I work right now so that can be a distraction right there from my job search..I know that for eight hours a day I need to be focusing on work and not on my phone ringing. I think its definetly kept me sane and focused and not wondering any minute if a school is going to call..or if they haven't called..why have they not called..etc. I also have found that hobbies are really fantasy baseball team has been a real help and so has my music..those things relax me and they keep me focused in the moment and I enjoy them. If you dont have a hobby or a pasttime...get one!

6. Support System- This could be different people..depending on who you are. For me..its my wonderful wife, Cindy! She has been a rock during this process..which directly affects her too because wherever I go..obviously she is coming with me! So this process is nerve-racking for her too. However, she has supported me through it all..given me advice...reassurance..positive name it. I want this just as much for her as I do for myself. I'm a lucky guy. For other people, it could be friends..peers..colleagues..significant others. Having positive people around you make you that much more positive and it is important to have that kind of energy around you. You dont need negativity bringing you down.

There it is...the steps that I have learned to keep myself sane during this search. I hope maybe other people in the same boat are keeping sane as well..maybe someone might read this if they are going a little crazy and can take a step back and breathe for a bit. Whatever might help! Good luck!

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