Monday, July 12, 2010

Job Search

Wow! This is some competitive job market! I found out today that one of the schools that I applied to..there are over 100 candidates for one position..100 candidates! That is insane! However..that still has me just as determined as ever. I have been doing a lot of networking tonight..posting on discussion boards and updating the Fishbowl! I also found out..through networking, might I add..about a website called Excelon Associates ( which is a recruiting agency for higher education. I posted my resume on there and we will see what happens!


  1. 100 candidates, that sounds like a good sign. When I was job hunting last fall, I was told there were over 500 candidates for one position, and over 3,000 for another!

  2. Hello! Glad u commented!! So it sounds to you that the job market is getting better? What were you applying for? How has your job search been going?
