Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Prezi Blog!

Well, hello everyone! I hope people are doing well and enjoying what is left of the summer, which isnt much! Today, I figured I would talk about one of the coolest applications I have seen for a computer and it is something I think anyone who does presentations should be using. It is called Prezi and it is a computer web based application for presentations. You can use text, images and group them together in a way you would want to do the presentation. I downloaded it onto my computer and it seems so much easier to use than something such as Power Point. It really does seem to be tailor made for someone like a student affairs professional who might use it to do some sort of training or workshop. There is a free version of it..which I downloaded..but you have to publish it on the Prezi site. There are also the upgradeable versions where can you do private Prezis. I do not think my simple blog will do this justice so I am giving the address and encourage everyone to check it really is amazing and I think if you are someone who may not be the most tech-savvy person in the world, makes for reasonably easy learning and putting it all together. Take a look...

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